Friday, December 21, 2012

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Folks are asking for the schedules for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve and New Year's Day.
Folks are asking about the Free Ride on New Year's Eve.

Just posted on
RTD's FaceBook Page is (and their home page) is this schedule:
"-Wondering what our service schedule for bus and light rail will be like over the holidays?

-Monday 12/24 Christmas Eve: weekday schedule;

-Tuesday 12/25 Christmas Day: holiday schedule;

-Wednesday 12/26 day after Christmas: weekday schedule;

-Monday 12/31 New Years Eve: weekday schedule, FREE service after 7pm;

-Tuesday 1/01: holiday schedule, FREE service until 6am"

Oh yeah, and another thing that's posted on their home page and y'all are asking about are the schedule changes that begin on January 6, 2013.

As Always, "Welcome aboard, Find your seats,  Merry Christmas to All & to All Let's Roll!"

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Money For Nothing...

And your trips for free...
I want my, I want my, I want my trips for free.

LOL, gotta love Dire Straits.

With our new Smart Cards coming out in January - The Eco & College Passes - and the My Card for monthly & discount users, etc, there are other benefits coming as well.
One of those is the ability to use Credit Cards on the Light Rail systems.

More and more I'm hearing customers getting frustrated with the fare box and ticket vending machine's inability to accept credit slash debit cards.

Well, finally you're going to get your wishes.
This Summer the Light Rail ticket vending machines will be updated to accept credit cards.

And that's the extent of what I've heard slash read slash been told.

If you want more information you'll have to call 303.299.CARD and visit the web page for more:


That said, here's my two cents.
And it's actually .275% rather than two cents.

What's the going rate on credit card transactions?
Isn't it like around 3 tenths of a percent of the transaction?

Folks, you remember that RTD is a tax payer supported municipality, right?

If you demand that RTD buy new trains, new buses, build new lines and add new routes, more frequent service, etc etc etc....
You KNOW who has to pay for that, right?

If y'all are asking RTD to start accepting credit cards, you realize that the price of the ride has to increase to reflect at least the increase in cost of providing that service you demanded, right?

RTD doesn't make a profit, so you're asking them to either not raise fares but cut back other services to afford this service or you're going to have to accept the cost increase when they come to the tax payer and ask for an increase in taxes and raise the fares to reflect the increased service demand.

And of course that's just my two cents slash .275%.
I've not heard ANY rumours of fare increases or anything.

I'm just thinking this through.

Personally, I think the entire system should be user supported, riders paying for the service they use, not the tax payer.
But I also think that regular yearly increases, like a nickel or dime each year.
Something that we can all count on so the extra quarter neither surprises nor offends us.
And something RTD can count on to continue to use to increase the services we demand.

Anywho, what I think and what happens in reality are usually far apart but we'll see how this comes to pass.
Get it?
"Comes to...PASS?"
See what I did there?
Jeesh, never

As Always, "Welcome aboard, Find your seats,  Put away your Credit Cards - Let's Roll!"

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Stupid Is As Stupid Does...

As far as Drivers and over all employees go here at work, I feel as if I'm in that top ten percent of folks who are easy going, let crap roll off our shoulders, smile, turn the other cheek, etc.
I think I'm pretty danged tolerant but I know some folks who make me look like I've got a short fuse and I'm grumpy all the time.

That said, I tend to find my customers/passengers entertaining and fun, far more than annoying and intolerable.
I hear the rants, I see the crazy and I'm amused - free entertainment while I'm getting paid!

But lately I've been hearing more and more of the ignorant side to the whining.

For example:
"RTD takes more and more money, cuts more and more routes & services but could care less about being on time, keeping schedules and customer service."

Reasons Why )

I love this link because it explains a butt load of things RTD does.
I guarantee you that 3 in 4 of you whiners don't have the patience to read even one of those FAQs but for the rest of you, take the time to read that through and I guarantee you that you'll have at least one, "Ohhhhh!" moment.

I've been here for three years now and still read that and get those Ah-ha moments.

But for those of you who feel entitled to RTD's services, that RTD owes you a cheap ride, at all hours of the day & night, from your front door to your destination - let me sum this up for you:

Call a cab and get over yourself.

I hear these ignorant comments about the high fares, RTD just charging more and more and giving less and less, about Drivers who can't keep schedules, etc and all I can think of is how sad y'all make me.
I'm saddened by such a lack of intelligence, such a lack of care or concern - of over all understanding of how the world around you works.

Blah - I still love my job, my customers and most of my co-workers.
I've just had it up to here (holding my hand up to my eyebrows) with the stupidity - the pure hatred to accuse me and my co-workers of such sloth.

So please - take 30 minutes out of your day surfing FaceBook, 30 minutes out of your day playing your video games or watching TV to read about a service for which you and I pay, a service that you use and upon which you count to get you back and forth all day.

Then let's talk.

As Always, "Welcome aboard, Find your seats,  Read
THIS while you're on the bus - Let's Roll!"

Monday, December 3, 2012

I Love L.A....

Wait, wrong version of that song!

When I post about the negative affects of the union on RTD, its employees and its customers - I get emails and comments asking me whether I love my job.
Usually along the lines of, "If you hate it there so much, you should just quit!"

But these are simply the taunts of those who support the oppressive socialist union and hate RTD and her customers.

I love my job.
I love helping folks get to and from their points.
I love when folks tell me I'm the best Driver they've ever ridden with, or that they appreciate what I do or whatever the comments are.
I love the variety, the myriad of it all.
I love the conversations y'all have with me.
I've loved the sightseeing and touring I've done around the Front Range.

There is nothing bad about working here at RTD.
Nothing that is except when it comes to the union.
The union forces RTD to discriminate, to oppress, to make life and morale crap around here.

But most of us know it's not RTD, it's the union.
All these hateful, socialist & liberal practices are forced on and supported by the union.

The black cloud hovering over RTD, oppressing the employees and the customer is the union.

I love my job, I love the customer, I love RTD.

But I don't represent the union or those employees whose loyalties remain with the union and not RTD.
They hold the opposite opinion from me.

As Always, "Welcome aboard, Find your seats, Know that your Driver loves you in spite of the union - Let's Roll!"

She'll Be Coming Around The Mountain When She Comes...

I've had a butt load of Drivers and other RTD employees gripped by the oppressive fists of the social regime known as ATU 1001 - I've had these folks approach me and tell me they plan to cross any strike line the union is going to force RTD employees to create.

In the last few months, we've had more and more training and even more recently we've heard ever increasing rumours of the pending strike to extort more money from the tax payer to support the extravagant lifestyles of the union leadership.

And in light of this threat, I've had folks come to me asking how we cross the extortion lines and continue to be faithful employees to our employer without suffering the fines and penalties the union slaps on those who oppose it.

There is a way and I'll make sure to spell it out step by step so that the other 90% of us can come to work without fear while the union throws its fit and goes on strike.

In the mean time, I've been reading up on the union and RTD and I found a post in Wiki that reads that the union only struck once before back in 2006 and it was for only 7 days.
A result of that strike was that the for-profit private companies grabbed an increased share of the routes from RTD, a grab that has grown to around 60% of the routes.

I can't find an exact number on that percentage but folks keep telling me that it's around 40% or less of the services that RTD operates, the rest are the companies that y'all complain about.

One more reason the unions are bad for the business, for the employee and for the customer.

As Always, "Welcome aboard, Find your seats, Don't give into the socialist oppression - Let's Roll!"

Sunday, December 2, 2012


So the Union is falling apart - finally.
As membership declines across the Nation, Veolia Transportation gets fed up with ATU 1001 and asks to leave the union.

All the members were asked to vote whether to allow Veolia to leave and I personally heard it echoed across the spectrum, "If they want out, why not let them go?"

Everybody I know voted to let them leave the union.

When we went into cast our votes, there were a couple of thugs sitting in from of the ballots and a box into which we dropped out ballots.
The ballot wasn't professional or objective as you'd expect any ballot to be, like a local, state or federal election is.

This was a biased, propaganda ridden slash loaded question type of ballot.

The question was whether to allow Veolia to leave the union but the way it was worded was, "yes, kick them out and let them fend for themselves" or words to that effect.

It was very hostile, very liberal and very hateful.

As was the air and manner of the thugs conducting the vote.

Oh well...I've not yet heard the results of our vote last Friday but I'm sure Veolia will be granted their freedom from the union oppression.

Now if only they would allow RTD employees to vote to be free of the ATU 1001...that would be a dream come true.
Not only for us but for all of Colorado and RTD customers.

As Always, "Welcome aboard, Find your seats, Vote for Freedom - Let's Roll!"

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead!

Speaking of Ding Dongs...

I'm sure we've all heard about the Hostess fiasco.
The Unions demanded more money, more benefits and refused to allow any benefit cuts in order to save the company.
Of course the Unions will tell you that it's company mismanagement of funds and in a sense, they are right.
The company kept giving into the Union's extortion.

And like every other private American company that's been extorted by the Unions in the past, the company has the choice of either outsourcing to afford to operate, of cutting services and operations back (scaling back) or of going bankrupt.
We've watched our manufacturing base move overseas or go belly up in response to Union extortion.
Some companies smart up and move to non-Union States, like Boeing.

I mention this because RTD has been gripped by Union (ATU 1001) extortion for decades.
The Union's contract is expiring in March and even though the average Coloradoan hasn't seen a wage increase and RTD has been cutting back on services in response to the slagged economy...even though we (the Taxpayer) can't afford it, the Union feels it is entitled to more of what you have.

The Union raised our dues at least twice over the last year or so, and they are going to raise it again and all that does is fatten their wallets and get obama re-elected.
They want you to pay more to the RTD employee so that they can charge us more and buy bigger homes, nicer cars and afford better lives than we have.

They feel they are entitled to what you have and that you owe them all they can extort from you.

And you can bet that they will strike, shut down services that are vitally needed here on the Front Range, just to force you to pay it.

Just another heads up.

I've heard talk after talk, rumour after rumour and we've had dozens of meetings to prepare us for "action."

As Always, "Welcome aboard, Find your seats, Don't give the Unions an inch - Let's Roll!"

Hush Your Mouth!

Some (many?) of you have seen this ad on the buses recently.I've been having folks/passengers storm off buses as if this is offensive.

Years ago I heard a quote that I love and live by:

"The truth is hate to those who hate the truth."

Those who call this hate speech and what not, their real beef is with the fact that this is truth.

All that aside (sorta!) keep in mind that RTD is a municipality.
They are funded mostly by tax payers dollars.
And those tax payers make up a complete spectrum of beliefs.
From those who agree with this ad to those who disagree.

Some of the comments I've heard from those who disagree with this ad would seem to imply that if any ad offends anybody of any belief, that ad should be censored/pulled as hate speech.
It's those who disagree with The Constitution who've wasted tax payer's money across this country at other transit districts with frivolous lawsuits they have failed.
In every case, this ad has been supported by the Constitution as a Freedom of Speech, Expression & Religion.

The Constitution gives us the Freedom OF Speech, not from it.

All that aside, I'd like to take some quotes by RTD on this subject (
from their FaceBook Page):
"To be clear, RTD does not endorse or support any of the products, services, issues or candidates that choose to buy ad space on our vehicles. Since we are a taxpayer funded agency and not a private organization, our ad space is subject to the 1st Amendment and our ability to reject ads based on their content is thus limited. Our Advertising Standards Policy does allow us to reject ads that are obscene, promote illegal activities, promote tobacco, or are false, misleading, or deceptive. RTD's Legal, Purchasing and Marketing units each reviewed the ads and could find no *legally* supportable reason to reject them. Similar ads have been popping up at other transit agencies across the country over the past several years. In each case, the few agencies that initially refused to run the ads ended up being challenged in court and ultimately lost, making those agencies pay significant legal costs and generating a large amount of negative publicity well above and beyond what the ads themselves generated. As required by our Advertising Standards Policy, the creator and purchaser of any political ad must be clearly displayed on the ad, as it is in this case. If you are interested in contacting the American Freedom Defense Initiative, the organization responsible for the content of the ad, the email for their Executive Director Pamela Geller, is

As stated previously, our marketing, purchasing, and legal departments were unable to find a legally justifiable reason to reject this ad. Though the content of the ad and opinions expressed by the ad have been condemned by the community and local media as intolerant, distasteful, and offensive, the content of the ad does not make any explicitly false, misleading, or deceptive claims that would give RTD legal grounds to reject the ad. Legal precedent has been established in favor of the advertiser every time a transit agency has tried to reject similar ads, resulting in significant legal costs for the agency (and tax-payers). This situation has little to do with advertising dollars, as advertising revenue made up a mere .4% of our total annual revenues in 2011...

Please note that we do not endorse or support any of the products, services, issues or candidates that choose to buy ad space on our vehicles. It is not an issue of whether or not we agree with them, it is an issue of free speech and 1st Amendment Rights granted to our advertisers by the United States Constitution. We have limited ability to reject ads, and our lawyers have determined that there in insufficient grounds for RTD to legally defend itself in a court of law if we were to reject this ad and be sued by the advertiser. Legal precedents established in similar cases involving other transit agencies have always favored the advertiser. Please understand that there is nothing we can legally do about this ad, and that it will be removed in about a week."

As Always, "Welcome aboard, Find your seats, Keep your opinions to yourself - Let's Roll!"

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Just wow!

It's been a very long, very hot summer.

And it's been a hard one on Drivers this year.

The heat has driven passengers crazy and driven some of the extreme elements of our workforce to show their true colours.
I've never been subject to as much hatred and racism and discrimination as I have this year alone and every bit of it from "union" employees here at RTD.

Sadly, there's not a whole lot RTD can do about it.
We had a survey recently but that's cosmetic.
The bad element gets to keep their jobs, protected by the union and encouraged some might even venture to say.
Leaving RTD with black eyes thanks to union values (or lack thereof!)

And this leads us to a huge fight coming shortly.

Douglas County's fight with the teacher's union is still going on:

( )

The union scared to death of allowing the public to vote on the union's life.
Knowing that the public has no sympathy for unions - as evidenced in Wisconsin this year.

So of course they did the liberal spin and dance like we hear o'bummer doing during his campaign, telling us that a public vote against the union would be a waste of tax payer's dollar while hoping that we forget the fact that unions are also a waste of tax payer's dollars!

Which will lead us into the "contract negotiations" coming up soon with the union & RTD.
I used quotes because they really aren't negotiations but extortion of the tax payer by the union.

They'll threaten every body's livelihood, every body's jobs, family and education just to keep their pockets lined with your hard earned tax dollars.
They'll sit home, eating pork rinds - on strike - while you're cut off from work, school, doctors and family, all so that they can continue to extort more and more benefits that even the tax payer can't afford for themselves, let alone the union thugs who do nothing but collect tax dollars to collect more tax dollars.

I've been keeping a low profile - you've noticed the lack of posts this summer.
Too much anger, hatred, and negative attention lately and almost every last one of these are union employees - not RTD employees.
In my mind - my professional opinion - there is a huge difference between those of us who work FOR RTD and are forced to join the union and the others who work for the union here at RTD.

I have tons of stories from the summer, and tons of news but it's still too hot.
Every body's too grumpy.
Folks are driving like mad people and I'm too nervous to pull my attention from the road at the moment.

I miss y'all.
I'm still here and I'll be back more frequently - shortly.

I'm gonna be as good a source of information when the union strikes.
I want to make sure I stab them in the back as many times as I can, giving you as much knowledge to fight them as we can.
Exposing their lies and secrets and their greed.

LOL - oh, have I told you I'm not a fan of the union?
Just in case you couldn't tell!

As Always, "Welcome aboard, Find your seats, Enjoy the AC - Let's Roll!"

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Somebody Had A Dream.....

Some folks remember the dream this gentleman had?
About living in a nation where his children would be judged by the content of their character...

My recent posts have reflected on racist drivers and the union.
I was told a story today about the union and two racist drivers and their connections.

In its current form, the union supports discrimination and racism.
As a liberal organization, one of its policies is a reflection of the ancient "Affirmative Action."
It forces RTD to hire based upon race, skin colour and gender rather than upon qualifications - the content of an employee's character as it were.

So here's the story I was told:

At least 7 years ago there were two drivers on a bus making racist and religionist jokes back and forth between each other. 
But there was a third person who happened to be another driver who was hearing all this interplay.
Eventually the two drivers were disciplined and asked to sign a sort of probationary agreement that allows them to remain with the company but reminds them that they are one strike away from being released if they don't improve their performance.
One driver refused to sign the agreement and was let go.
The other driver signed the agreement but during probation broke both state and local driving laws and a local ordinance and was let go as well.

This is where the story should end but remember, we are choked by a union that forces RTD to retain crappy employees.

The driver who signed the probationary agreement and was eventually fired went on to work at FedEx for the last seven years and is now coming back to drive once again for RTD.
That driver is getting his job back!

The guy who got fired because he wouldn't agree to the probation fought the decision with his union and against RTD's better judgement was not only given his job back but was paid back pay for the 9 months he was out of his job!

And as his previous behaviour had already shown to both his employer and everybody who had a brain cell, this driver went on to "lose it" with a passenger and beat the poor guy to within half an inch of his life.
He was fired again.

Had there been an ounce of justice in the system, that employee would not only owe that 9 months of back pay to RTD (the tax payers) but the union would also have to repay RTD (the tax payers) for all the months that they forced RTD to rehire and employ a driver who everybody already knew was bad business.

And if history has shown us anything, the driver who went to FedEx and is now coming back to RTD, shouldn't be allowed to or should sign an agreement to reimburse the company & tax payers for his salary if he hasn't changed for the better after his past two strikes against the system.

Keep in mind these are stories I was told about the history of drivers and the union here at RTD.
While I trust the story tellers believe that what they told me is true, there is no real way to verify the veracity of the facts but it does support the ties that bind racism and sexism that are evident between the union and some of these drivers.

One more great fact about a union that forces RTD to be a party to these horrible and wicked practices & policies.
One more reason that the union has to go and hopefully will someday.

As Always, "Welcome aboard, Find your seats, Avoid the Unionists - Let's Roll!"

You Gotta Fight, For Your Right.....

To Be Union Free!!!

Ok, a little poetic license applied there.

By now we've all heard about the brouhaha in Wisconsin.
In a very democratic, union friendly state a conservative and anti-union Gov. Scott Walker is elected and tasked to trim back the public unions.
After he does what he's asked to do, the extreme left throws a recall election at him and in an overwhelming turn, he survives as do his actions against the unions.
While that sounds boring, keep in mind that he and his agenda not only survive but are supported and approved by a very liberal state, by a democratically controlled Senate and Congress in that state.

Good stuff right?
Gives us all hope.

Now to Colorado.
Some of y'all may have heard that Douglas County school district is in "negotiations" with the Douglas County Federation of Teachers (a union).
Three of the bigger issues are:
1) The School District collects union fees/dues - they no longer want to be the go between.
2) The School District no longer wants to pay union employees who leave the classroom to do union work.
3) There are Union Representatives who are also School District administrators. The School District (as well as many teachers) say this is an extreme conflict of interest, as during negotiations and strikes, these employees sit on both sides of the table, compromising their respective positions.

The Union has given in on these issues.

And now it's time to look at the union that controls RTD.

The Union (ATU 1001) is going to be in negotiations with RTD for a new contract by the first quarter of 2013.
And these same three points that Douglas County just hit on are also in place here at RTD.

RTD collects the (I call them extortion fees) dues for the union.
RTD should have nothing to do with this.
If workers had to pay the fees/dues from their "after tax" income, out of their pockets rather than pre-tax & before they even receive their pay checks, they'd be far more upset and bucking the system.

I found this quote:

"Ending the payroll withholding of dues has resulted in large drops in union membership in other locations."

Go figure!

Also, we have union employees (reps) who are also RTD employees and they are paid by RTD to work at the Union, away from work.
Most of these union reps are known for the brand new vehicles and homes they purchase during and after their terms in office.

I'm betting money that we are going to see some attempt at a strike next year.
The myriad of Drivers and Mechanics (all the same union) with whom I've spoken have all said they are crossing strike lines.
Nobody can afford time off, nobody wants to tick off the tax payer/voter/passengers.
And folks just can't seem to see the benefit of supporting a group of union reps who gave themselves raises when the tax payer couldn't afford it, when nobody at RTD got raises and funded by the union employees from our pay checks!

I'm sure there will be some who strike but you'll see most of us right back here at work.
And when they do strike, you'll still see Veolia & First Transit working their routes and filling in those routes RTD can't run because of the strike.
But you'll still see the majority of RTD Drivers & employees on the job.
We know how to beat the strike without suffering financial penalty and hard ship.

Keep an eye on Douglas County's School District negotiations and look for RTD's negotiations with ATU later this year and early next.

Call RTD and tell them you support them and you can't afford to pay these entitlement minded unionists the huge sums and benefits they feel that you owe them!
And call ATU and tell them to give it up or get busted (and kicked out of RTD) that you don't support their entitlement mindset - you don't owe them anything.

As Always, "Welcome aboard, Find your seats, Tell the unions to take a hike - Let's Roll!"

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I Get Knocked Down...

But I Get Up Again...

I really can't wait for this new Smart Card to go live.

I Drive some extremely busy routes.
The only "busy" route I haven't gotten the chance to do on a regular basis is the 15 and I'm dying for that option to come to Platte so I can sign up!

That said...

These busy routes have a larger number of fare evaders.
Not a higher percentage mind you, just a larger pool.

When somebody doesn't pay the correct fare, it's my job to repeat the talk track:
"The correct Fare is "$X" and I'm not authorized to provide free rides."
I sometimes throw in the "We need to continue on the route, it's your choice whether to ride or not?"
Folks will stare at me, waiting for my "acceptance" of their partial fares or for some type of permission for them to not pay the correct fare so they can say, "The Driver said it was ok...."
I can't give it to you.

When you thank me after boarding without paying full fare, I feel like adding, "Please don't thank me, I'm not an accomplice to you breaking the law!"

The reason for the talk track is because every once in a while there is a Fare Inspector behind us who waits to see what choice the passengers will make, whether to board without having paid the correct fare.

With all these cut backs this year, we're seeing less and less fare enforcement.
It's left us Drivers feeling hung out to dry.

Me, I have almost given up on the talk track.
I start it these days but the passengers have already all heard it, and they know there's nobody to enforce it so fewer and fewer evaders care.
They don't even put in the effort anymore to come up with some type of excuse or to even put in 13 cents then ask for a transfer.

These days they just ignore me and hop on the bus.

I'm crying Wolf and they know it.

Drivers are instructed to hit the "fare" button on our radios and to record the incorrect fare on our fare boxes.
We even fill out "incident reports" but after all the reports I've completed, I've yet to see any results or enforcement outside of a couple of random inspections this vote.

When y'all ask why the Fares are being raised (soon) I'm going to be pointing at the other passengers around you and explaining that they are stealing from your pockets.

In the meantime, I'm getting knocked out behind this fare box and I'm starting to struggle with getting back up.
My light at the end of the tunnel is these new Smart Cards that will eliminate 90% of this evasion.

As Always, "Welcome aboard, Pay the danged Fare, Find your seats - Let's Roll!"

I Love My Job - WE LOVE IT!

You know one of the top reasons on my list of reasons that I love this job?

The people slash customers slash passengers.

I love when I pull close to a stop and the folks standing outside see me, light up, smile and board the bus with an, "I'm glad to see you!"

That makes me happy.

I know they're glad to see me because I'm "not as bad as their other Drivers" so it's a guilty feeling when it makes me happy.
But hey, I'll take what I can get with this job.


I love the smiles, the warm welcomes, the sharing of facebook pages, the support and defense when somebody treats one of the other passengers like poop or even when another driver on the road almost hits us (the bus) and these regulars go nuts with swearing and sign language!

I love the loyalty they express.
I often joke about them cheating on me with other Drivers when I'm on another route.
I'm truly surprised that I know the lives and habits of sooo many customers across so many routes across Denver and the burbs.
This is only my Third year and I'm really shocked that I have gotten so close to so many customers.

I pictured that I'd just be some nameless and faceless warm body chauffeuring the cattle to and fro around the state.
It's turned out to be quite the opposite.
These folks have become family.

I look forward to the updates the next day/week and I'm actually sad & disappointed when somebody doesn't show.
And I hear the same when I don't show on their route the next day or week.

That's when I hear, "Boy am I glad to see your smile!"
That makes me happy and makes me look forward to the next time.

That's one of the top reasons on my list of reasons that I love this job.

As Always, "Welcome aboard, Wear your smiles, Find your seats - Let's Roll!"

47 Bottles of Beer on the Wall...

Is it possible to substitute shots of Tequila in this song?
I won't tell, I promise...

Only 47 shots left until the next vote.

This week has been an eventful if not fearful week.

Remember that scary driver I told you that I have to work with this vote?
That driver told me that I was not allowed to ride that driver's bus to our relief point, that I had to ride another and meet that driver later.
Turns out I'm not allowed to ride with that driver because of my gender and race.

I asked around about that driver and got some history.
It would appear there is an abundance of "history" and I'm not the first to feel this driver's racist and sexist wrath.

I arrived at my pick up point a few minutes too early and when the bus arrived, I boarded.
I didn't realize I was about 5 minutes early or that I'd met this driver's bus by accident until it was too late and I was boarding.
The driver gave me a look, rolled the eyes and made a few "under the breath" colourful remarks.

I hid in the back corner the whole ride out and got off early to wait for the next bus with hopes of making it out alive.
Of course the damage was already done and that driver came nearly 10 minutes late to our "relief point" (usually a minute or two early) and while riding back, placed a few phone calls within my earshot to that driver's supervisory friends.
Those calls have resulted in my harassment the last couple of days.

I'd spoken to my supervisor mentor and a couple of other supervisors I've grown to trust.
They all want me to file a report and "grievance."
My fear is that because I'm the less "senior" in this instance, I'll be banished to Boulder or East Metro and I can't afford to work that far from home.
That hardship will cost me my job.

Somebody else's hatred: racism & sexism will cost me my job.

So I'm going to have to watch my Ps & Qs, dot my Is and cross my Ts for the next 47 days and pray to God that I don't arrive at work early either!
I need to lay low, roll with the punches and hide under a rock for the next few weeks until I can get out of this driver's sight and out of mind.

I'm not a drinker, can't stand it really but I sure could use those 47 shots of Tequila right now!

As Always, "Welcome aboard, Grab a Shot, Find your seats - Let's Roll!"

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Let's Go For A Stroll

When I wrote about the new BRT being part Mall Shuttle, that struck a chord with many of my readers who sent me notes pointing out that in all this time, I've not mentioned the Mall Shuttle!


Sorry about that because I love driving up and down that Mall.
I can't believe that I've not talked about it.

The Mall Shuttle is both the easiest and the most difficult "route" that a Driver can drive.
It is a route that is snatched up almost immediately by the Senior Drivers so that few of us lesser Drivers get the chance but when we do....

I'm told the 16th Street Mall - at 1.7 miles long from the Civic Centre to the Denver Union Stations - is the longest outdoor Mall in the US.
The Mall Shuttle runs up and down the 16th Street Mall from early in the morning to late at night.
Stopping every block, at the light rail stations and at the Market Street Station (for the next 18 months!)

My advice to all passengers who want to traverse the Mall is to first just hop on and ride the shuttle around in a complete lap.
A complete lap takes about 40 minutes and you get to see every shop and every restaurant on the Mall.
Once you've seen where you want to go, hop off and you've less than a block to walk.

Another tip: Get on the shuttle EARLY, meaning at either end.
The shuttle fills up quickly and if you're riding on the weekend the shuttle runs less frequently so it fills up even more quickly.
During the Winter, more people means more warmth as even with the minimal heating offered in the passenger compartment, those doors are open all the time and it's freezing in the back!
During the Summer, the only "AC" is the open windows and it get hot and "fragrant" back there.

It's really not as bad as the jokes go.

I ride the shuttles before I relieve other Drivers and folks are always laughing and joking with one another.
If the Driver stops too quickly, we all swing into each other and that just provides laughs and I've even seen a few numbers exchanged - matches made by RTD!

The "Hard Part" of Driving the Mall is that there are thousands of people wandering this pedestrian experience.
Not counting the pedicabs and horse drawn carriages, the people are the biggest obstacles.
Because the Shuttles are Electric and CNG, the engines are small and almost silent.
Folks can't hear the shuttles coming at 15 miles an hour and even with the bells and horns, Drivers usually have to stop short, causing Passengers to fall into each other AND swear at the numpties standing in front of the shuttle.

The "Easy Part" of Driving the Mall Shuttle is that you really can't get lost.
It's hours and hours of driving up and back down the Mall.
Except for the "Crossovers" - those are usually construction & emergency vehicle detours that cause the Shuttle to have to cross from one side to the other and shuffle around the detour - but except for these crossovers, there are no turns so we can't get lost.

We are updating the shuttle fleet and some of y'all have seen the first two new shuttles.
Drivers call them by their numbers, 40 & 41.
These are all electric, no engines and even more quiet.
They are nicer for both the passengers and the Drivers.
Passengers get more windows, including in the roof.
Drivers get more room, including the steering column which now moves both the entire console up & down and the steering wheel out & in.

There are a myriad of improvements on this new generation of shuttle and there are improvements on the Mall.

The new Denver Union Station to the West (North) has extended the Mall Ride that extra half mile.
It has connections to light rail and once the underground station opens, to a huge - and I mean gigantic underground station.

I love the Mall Shuttle.
I love the throngs of people and the thousands of passengers every day who hop on and hop off all day long.

The best part of the Mall Ride:

If you've ridden into the Civic Center Station or Denver Union Station on the Mall Ride, you've heard the automated voice say something like, "Thank You For Riding The RTD Free Mall Ride."

There are tons and tons of stories from my Mall Shuttle experiences but I'll save those for other posts.
I can't believe I hadn't written about the Mall earlier.
Sorry about that, folks.

As Always, "Welcome aboard, Hang onto a railing - Let's Roll!"

For Whom This Bell Tolls...

I read an online article this morning that I wanted to share with y'all.

Here is the article:

Unions suffered a resounding defeat in Wisconsin last week. They’re far from down and out, however. Unable to reverse their decline in membership under existing law, they are circumventing Congress and using the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to create an entirely new type of union. A new rule hatched by the Obama-appointed board, authorizes the creation of union cells—organizing a few employees within a company to gain a foothold—which will severely impact businesses.
Until recently, employees organized based on shared job characteristics—for example, all the hourly employees at a firm. The new practice allows micro-unions representing only a small minority of workers in a company. Instead of a grocery store’s employees having a union, the store could face separate unions for cashiers, shelf-stockers, and janitors.
The NLRB permitted this in its Specialty Healthcare decision last year, allowing organized labor to form unions by job title. A decision last month by one of the NLRB’s regional directors demonstrated just how harmful—and absurd—a policy this is. The regional director green-lit a union election at the Bergdorf Goodman department store. But most employees will not get to vote; only shoe salesmen will cast ballots. Not all shoe salesmen, however. Only those selling women’s shoes.
As the HR Policy Association explains:
"The fact that hours, benefits (including the same health plans), and general productivity goals were common among all employees was dismissed because, among other reasons, the sale of women’s shoes ‘requires a distinct skill set from other sales associates due to the unique nature of the product they are selling.’"
While the men’s shoe salesmen—or any other type of salesmen—at the store will not get a say in the union’s presence, these excluded workers will share in all the risks and downsides of unionizing. Strikes will also harm them, and if the union bankrupts the company, they will also lose their jobs.
With private-sector union membership down to 7 percent, labor leaders are desperate. Even the government unions are seeing workers quit en mass—when they have a choice. Columnist Charles Krauthammer described this lesson in Wisconsin:
"Without the thumb of the state tilting the scale by coerced collection, union membership became truly voluntary. Result? Newly freed members rushed for the exits. In less than one year, AFSCME, the second-largest public-sector union in Wisconsin, has lost more than 50 percent of its membership."
Labor leaders and the NLRB have made several attempts to curb workers’ rights in recent years. They have tried to take away the secret ballot in union elections and to shorten the amount of time workers have to decide on unionizing. They have threatened to demand access to workers’ email addresses and phone numbers in workplaces that are targeted for unionization. The NLRB itself has its own scandals and has served as a revolving door for union big shots.
The board’s tactics are in step with the Obama Administration’s penchant for skipping Congress completely.
“The recent decision at Bergdorf Goodman is an example of the labor board’s doing through regulation what we ought to be doing through legislation on the floor of the Senate,” said Senator Johnny Isakson (R–GA), who introduced legislation last year that would reverse the NLRB’s decision on the so-called micro-unions.
The practice will have devastating consequences for businesses and workers alike. Management could face contract negotiations with multiple union cells under one roof, which “increases the likelihood of industrial unrest and workplace disputes as different unions with differing goals represent different employees,” said Fred Wszolek of the Workforce Fairness Institute.
In addition to divided workplaces, workers will face diminished professional opportunities. As Heritage’s James Sherk has explained, “Over time, unions destroy jobs in the companies they organize. In manufacturing, three-quarters of all union jobs have disappeared over the past three decades, while the number of non-union jobs has increased.”
With organized labor cells, workers would be stuck in their current roles without the chance to advance through departments. Fragmenting the workplace into multiple bargaining units will make it very difficult for workers to work their way up through departments. They wouldn’t have the opportunities that Joe McFarland had when he took an hourly job at Home Depot in 1993.
McFarland started out working in the electrical aisle. Over the next 20 years, he learned all he could about other departments in the store, worked hard—and got promoted. He rose from his hourly job to Western Division President, where he now oversees more than 440 stores and 78,700 employees in 13 states.
If the electrical aisle employees had chosen to unionize, McFarland could have been stuck there. He wouldn’t have had the opportunity to train across departments and move up into management.
But big labor’s strategy isn’t about growing skills and advancing careers. It’s about grasping for any amount of power—and union dues—they can grab.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Bus Rapid Transit - Here It Comes!

How many of you (us) saw the Artic "BRT" Bus at the Market Street Station today?

For all intents & purposes it's just a modern version of the current "9000" series Articulated buses we have in the Fleet.
Many of you recognized it.

Some of the differences:
Low Floor
Fewer Seats (Less Room for Passengers)
Ramp rather than Lift in front
Can be "Hybridized"

Basically a combination of the current 1400 (Blue Hybrids) & the 9000 (Accordions)

The one on display today was on its way to be delivered from the factory to San Antonio.
Nabi swung through Denver to show us what we could be getting.

The configuration we saw obviously won't do for us here in Denver.
We need the 60+ seat max, windows that open, more room in back for strollers & bikes, etc etc etc.

This version of the Artic is heavier, ranking in at close to 70,000lbs - 35 tons!
Same 60' length as our current Artics and has a 125 (150 optional) gasoline tank.

The Nabi Rep said that this bus being delivered to Texas, as displayed was $838,000...

Obviously that doesn't represent (only suggest) what RTD might be paying for our new buses.

Whatever we end up getting, we'll have more of them and they'll run more frequently that the Light Rail would have to Boulder.
All told, this BRT system will cost less and provide more service than the Light Rail would have.


Listening to Drivers talk about each of the model series of buses we have in The Fleet, you get to hear what they like and dislike about each model.
Drivers went ape when they were actually asked what they liked and disliked about the first of the new Mall Shuttles (1640) - freaking happier than pigs in mud that we get to have some input into a bus we'll actually drive.

But listening to Drivers about all the series of buses we have, the most common gripe/complaint is that it feels, seems and appears that the bus manufacturers don't have any actual Drivers in the Research & Design departments of their companies.

For the most part, the buses are neither intuitive nor convenient.
One or two things may be really well placed and really good ideas but those get offset by three or four things that seem to have been thrown in to frustrate and confuse.

So I asked the Nabi representative that all important question:
"Have you ever considered coming to Drivers while you're in the R&D phase of these new buses? Active Drivers, in the field, using the buses?"

This Rep up until this point was asking me questions, answering mine - up to and including the cost of the vehicle!
But as soon as I asked this, he turned and walked away.
Didn't even fake like he was turning to talk to another person.
Not even a grunt or pish.

Guess I hit a nerve...

Anywho, we got a glimpse of the new BRTs coming to Denver.
I hope you got your glimpse.
There will be a few more showings in Boulder & Brighton (I think?)

Call our info line at 303.299.6000 and ask them for more information.
They'll point you in the right direction.

As Always, "Welcome aboard, Smell that new bus smell, Find your seats - Let's Roll!"

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Bolder Boulder 2012 & Memorial Day.

The Bolder Boulder 2012 & Memorial Day.

I commented about the Bolder Boulder a couple of years ago - the organization was some of the worst I'd ever seen.
From construction during the event that clogged the streets to traffic jams that had folks jumping off the buses far from the starting line and running to the race!

Last year they moved the Starting Line and this year the city of Boulder & RTD coordinated one of the best events yet.
My hat's off to the planners.
The traffic was nearly nonexistent.

In 2010, it took so long to get around the "loop" of the city that there were children and grandchildren being born on the buses (lol - not really, c'mon!)
This year I could loop the city in just a few minutes.
I saw danged near EVERY Driver I know working the event and I think RTD had every single bus available in Boulder.

In 2010 when I was parked (Layover) between the start and finish of the race, waiting to take folks back to their vehicles, I sat for HOURS.
This year it was a slow crawl and I ended up spending only about twenty minutes creeping my way back to the front of the line and back into circulation and back onto the loop, picking runners up and returning them to their vehicles.

The taxpayer got their money's worth as I drove for more than 8.5 of the 9 hours I was "on the clock" this year.

Runners/Passengers voiced their thrill & joy over and over all morning long when they got on the bus quickly and were whisked around the loop in almost zero traffic to the Starting Line.
And because traffic was so minimal, buses/Drivers were able to move as we know how, by leap frogging each other at stops.
One bus stops to pick runners up and the other buses leap frog around that bus to the next stop and the buses behind that one leap frog around him, etc.
The conveyor belt moves smoothly and continuously.
AND folks waiting at the stops only had to wait a minute or two for the next bus to arrive.
AND the city buses like the Skip, Bolt, etc were able to stay on schedule and pick up their passengers so that nobody got behind schedule.

I really have nothing but good things to say about this years record race.
More than 51,000 people ran this year.
At least 93% of them finished the race.
Boulder City planners and RTD coordinated and orchestrated everything perfectly.
If there were issues and problems (challenges) I didn't see them.
That's how smoothly everything went and how the folks running the show responded and corrected any issues that arose.

Thank you RTD, thank you Boulder, and thank YOU the passenger/runner for coming this year and breaking records.

Another great year, another great run and another great event.

As Always, "Welcome aboard, find your seats, 3 Cheers for Boulder - Let's Roll!"

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Treat Her Like A Prostitute!

Good Ol' Slick Rick...

On occasion I'm allowed to drive routes that go West over a variety of stops.
If I'm on the 38 I get to stop at Federal, Irving, Lowell & Perry.
If I'm on the 44 I get to stop at Federal, Hooker, Julian, Lowell then Perry.

I'm the kinda Driver who likes to call out every stop as we leave the current stop so the Passengers know what's coming next and have time to decide whether they want off.
But on the 44, I almost always skip calling out Hooker street.

The one time I called it out, on one of my first trips on the 44 I just happened to have boarded at Federal, a few pretty young Ladies who were laughing and joking with me.
As they sat down and I pulled out of the stop, I called out, "Hooker!"

The gals got quiet, serious and gasped as one, "Excuse Me!?"

I could have avoided it with, "The Next Stop Is, Hooker!"

Since then, I've simply fallen silent since I rarely have folks disembark at the stop anyway.

The other day I was heading East and around Kipling I picked up a spry older Lady who asked for the lift (she had a full load of luggage)
While she was coming up I asked her where she'd like to go today.
I always ask so that I can watch for the stop and stop in such a way that I can deploy the lift without issue.

She looked at me and gave me the, "Wait a minute" finger.

As she got on the bus, she approached my ear and whispered, "I'm going to Hooker!"
"I happen to know where that is," I laughed.
"I don't like saying that word out loud," she quietly laughs back.

She sat beside me so as we approached Hooker I simply called out, "Next stop, the street that won't be named!"
We all had a good giggle then moved along.

As Always, "Welcome aboard, Watch out for Hooker, Find your seats - Let's Roll!"

Friday, May 25, 2012

Keep On Testing

Hola Folks!

I while back I mentioned the new Smart Card that's a coming.
More and more of you are noticing all the new consoles and card readers on our buses.

I've already described it pretty completely in a previous post and I'm pretty sure I linked y'all to the RTD page ------
CLICK HERE  ------

So click those links again.
If you have any questions, we're told we can direct you to call them at:

Bottom line is that we are aiming at the goal of being 90% cashless by the end of next year.
Obviously someone will always have cash to pay his fare.

But we're consolidating all of the Eco, school/college and monthly discount passes onto one card.
No more tickets or transfers (well, if you use cash you'll get a transfer)

If you have a card meant to be used on RTD, you'll eventually be issued a Smart Card that will replace what you're using now.
No more confusion over whether you can use a transfer coming back or whether your transfer lasts long enough.
No more "The Driver" forgot to give me a transfer or losing your transfers.
No more passing monthly passes or transfers back to your friends about to board behind you or handing them out the windows.
No more not having enough change or trying to sneak on with a discount pass but not having the proof of discount.

That card reader will blare very loudly when you try to cheat the system, and everybody else on the bus, including the fare inspector sitting right there will know.

So read up, ask your Drivers for more information.
We all know what's coming and what that card will do.
Or call the number: 303-299-CARD

As Always, "Welcome aboard, Toss your cash and get a Smart Card, Find your seats - Let's Roll!"

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Gimme All Your Money...

All your hugs and kisses too...

So it turns out (I missed this reading The Contract) that the union extorted a profit sharing entitlement from RTD, but less surprising is that RTD doesn't and won't ever make a profit.
RTD can only spend what it receives from the taxpayer, from the ads on vehicles and from the fare boxes.
When those revenue sources atrophy we have to cut back operations as we saw at the beginning of this year.
There are no profits or shareholders to go to in order to fill in the gaps.
That's like expecting the Fire department or police to make a profit.
Just can't and won't happen.
So why does the union have a profit sharing entitlement program in place?
More liberal greed of course.
But they used 2008 numbers to force a .4% increase from then to now in revenue in order to pay thousands of employees $750!
That's money that could have been used to keep the buses cleaned or repaired or even running one hour longer when you are getting off or going to work.
One Senior Driver told me it is a ploy to get our union fees paid each year.
Fees the union has increased to just this side of a grand each year.

Again I ask, "Why do we have a profit sharing entitlement program when our employer doesn't make a profit and why do you, the tax payer slash customer support this entitlement?"

As Always, "Welcome Aboard, Pay our union fees, Find your seats, Let's Roll!"

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hit The Road Jack!

I got more than a few emails today asking why I was calling out that Driver in my previous post - why I was being so negative.
I wasn't being negative, I was making a point and I forgot to finish, sorry.
But I did call that driver out because that driver is an embarrassment to RTD, to the rest of us Drivers.

That driver is not from the privates, where you expect crappy behavior and service.
That driver is supposed to be one of us, one of the good guys.

And I mentioned that driver has been here a crap load of years.
There are a bunch of drivers like that driver:
Inconsiderate, sloppy, dirty and not team players.
Well, I take that back because if you're a unionist, an entitleist then you are the team for which these drivers play!

That's because in the real world, at normal companies these drivers (employees) would have been fired almost immediately.
But the union forces RTD to keep crappy employees like this.
And these drivers are so far up the food chain, having been here (survived) for years and years, through good and bad - that they feel like nothing can touch them, they are invincible.
And to tell you the truth, they are!

They get up to something like ten "occurrences" before they get fired.
Per year!
Meaning as the first occurrence expires and disappears from their records, they have another get out of jail free card.
And the union defends them to the bitter end.
And these older drivers are hard core solid through and through union supporters.
So the union keeps them really close.

Another really cushy job is what's called the loop extra.
A driver pulls out an extra bus, not on any route or schedule and he sits at a station and waits.
Waits up to 10 hours for a call to come that he needs to take the bus to another driver whose bus has broken down.
Then the loop extra sits with the broken bus until it either gets fixed or towed back to the garage.
And if that driver still has time, he pulls out another bus and goes and sits.
Many of these drivers brag about how they go to sleep during their shifts and can sit for usually the whole shift without having to move.
These runs are usually sucked up by the drivers with the most seniority and disappear quickly.

So when a lowly Driver like me has his bus break down and needs to get a new bus delivered by the loop extras, you'd expect that loop extra had the bus all ready - you know, team work and giving me the best possible advantage and chance to get ahead, back on schedule and to be successful.
Meaning that the bus would be cleaned, have all the needed supplies, windows & mirrors cleaned and clear and depending on the weather, cooled or heated up.

But without exception (in my experience) the buses have zilch...
No supplies, you can barely see out the windows AND the buses smell like nasty musty sweat from the driver being asleep inside, no deodorant (he knows he doesn't have to deal with the public so he doesn't give a crap and probably didn't even shower by the smell of it!) and smells like he soiled his underwear (please God let him have underwear on so I'm not sitting in his bare butt nasty sweat/feces...)

And they don't care.
No team work.
They are senior drivers, the union protects them and they can survive unscathed - any complaints from either customers or co-workers.
In fact, they are rubber and we are glue - complaints bounce off them and stick to us!
We get transferred to far away districts such as Boulder or East Metro and they survive to terrorize more co-workers and customers...

I've said this many times and will probably say it many more.
The union is VERY bad for RTD, for Drivers and for YOU - the customer/passenger.
They allow these entitleists to hang around like bad farts that you just can't shake.

LOL, that's another story.
Remind me to tell you about the passenger who asked me if he could hop off the bus for a minute - out of respect for the other passengers and me - so that he can "flatulate" and air out.
He did but he brought it back with him and we all thought we would die, even with all the windows open and me speeding, trying to get the wind blowing through!
LOL - there really is a devil and it lives in that guy's booty...

Ok, rants over for now.

As Always, "Welcome Aboard, Find your seats, Don't fart on the bus - Let's Roll!"

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

70 Bottles of Beer on the Wall...

Ok, so it's not bottles of beer on the wall - it's 70 days in this new vote.
Actually we've knocked three down by driving around so now there are only 67 left.

My bad, sorry - a "vote" is what we're taught to call each of the three schedule cycles that happen each year.
No voting or biding involved but rather than call them the Winter, Summer and Fall Schedules we're taught to call them votes!
But I've digressed...
This current vote started on Sunday and I've relieved my current driver enough now to be counting down the days left in what is - thank God - the shortest vote.
The driver is very unpleasant, grumpy, dirty, inconsiderate and from what I can tell (but I pray I'm wrong) a racist!
I've always caught the buses I relieve, early so that I can ride the route, feel the bus, talk to the driver, and check for detours not listed in our headquarters.
This driver has already told me not to ride his/her bus and I can't argue nor want to just out of fear and disgust!
Listening to the driver's interactions with some of the passengers made me both cringe and want to cry.
And I'm fearful because this is a very senior driver who reminds the passengers constantly of the very long term of service, as if that justifies the behaviour.
But that seniority causes me not to be able to complain about anything and if I did, the union would protect that senior and transfer me to Boulder if not fire me for the "accusations! "
And many of the passengers loved this driver!
I heard lots of thank yous, you're wonderfuls, etc but of course that came from those the driver showed favourtism towards.

So for now I hold my tongue, take a different bus and count the remaining days!

As Always, "Welcome Aboard, Find your seats, 67 Days to go - Let's Roll!"

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Teach A Man To Fish...

Speaking of passengers with special needs...

Did you know that out in the real world of free market capitalism, where you pay for that which you need, that passengers with special needs can call Access-a-Ride and get the attention they require?
Their fares run from $4.50 to $26.00 (One Way)

But in this age of entitlement, forget the real world and adopt socialism.
Where a man is forced to pay for an entitlement that he won't use, so that somebody else may use the entitlement for which he won't pay!

Rather than pay $4.50 each way, folks with Access-a-Ride cards hop on RTD buses for FREE, and still get far more attention than paying customers - at the cost of the paying customer by means of time and money.

When taxes are raised to pay for RTD and the fares are raised...keep in mind who is driving those raises:

It's the folks who demand discounts for various reasons, above and beyond the deserving and those in need.
It's the folks who refuse to pay their fares, who jump on with expired or invalid transfers, who buy discounted monthly passes but don't actually qualify then tell the Driver that their drug dealers boarding with them are the "Care Givers" or "companions" so they don't have to pay their fares either: those who board the bus pretending not to speak English or those who simply ignore the Driver and don't pay for their 98 kids who are boarding with them, and those who would rather ride for free at the expense of the Tax Payer, than pay for the actual service from Access-a-Ride.

These are they who steal from your pockets, from your kids mouths, from your family finances and paychecks, just so that they don't have to pay their fair Fares!
These are the reasons your rates are rising and your taxes are climbing.

Whether it's getting a free or discounted ride on the bus or a free or discounted visit to the doctor - it is those who feel entitled to your income who want you to pay more and more for their lifestyle choices.

I board and service at least 25% of my passengers each day who have Access-a-Ride cards.
99% of those (almost all of them) simply walk on the bus, show me their passes then walk off.
No idea on God's green Earth why they have that pass but they don't have to pay because of it.
On Access-A-Ride they'd be paying twice as much as you do on RTD but they don't want to pay, they want you to pay for them.
In fact, many of these passengers have "companions" with them - for who knows what reasons, I'm not allowed or supposed to ask or care - I simply allow them all to board without paying.

Because it is "politically correct" and it would be offensive to ask.

I truly am sorry for what seems to be an insensitive rant.
I truly believe that there are plenty of deserving and "in need" passengers who ride Access-a-Ride and for all I know, 100% of these folks who board my buses are deserving and in need of the service.

I just found it the perfect illustration of socialism, of the entitlement mindset that says that when given the option to carry their own weight, folks will make the choice of the "free" service that causes those who don't even use the service to support those who do use it.

We all know another tax hike and fare increase is coming.
And now we know just one more reason why.

As Always, "Welcome aboard, Take responsibility and Pay your danged Fare, Find your seats - Let's Roll!"

Do You Require Assistance With Your Restraints?

If you hop on the Bus with a mobility device, usually some type or variation of a wheeled chair, Drivers are required to ask if you need assistance with securing yourself - with your seat belts/restraints.

Rarely has anybody wanted my help, in my personal experience.
It's been needed enough that I'm kept in good practice with the restraint systems but not more than a once a day occurrence.

Recently I've come to learn that it's not just a job requirement but a personal & professional liability when I'm asked to restrain a passenger.

I've had more than a few passengers respond to my question with "yes please," in the past few weeks.
And more than a few of those have tried to curtail my efforts.
"You don't need the back/front/side (etc) - that one side/back/front will be plenty."
"Oh Lord, you've made that very tight, my chair can't move at all, you can loosen it up a hair?"

Oh heck no!
You've made me personally responsible (beyond the ordinary passenger's normal arrangement) for your security and safety.
You're lucky I don't break out tow ropes, wenches, welding rods, bungee cords and duct tape!

If you ask for my personal help and you slide around and injure yourself during the ride, I may not have done my job correctly or well enough.
If you ask for my help providing for your safety - be prepared for my own peace of mind that you're safe and that my job is going to be there after you leave the bus - safely...

I already take my job/responsibility as a Driver very seriously.
I am as safe as I'm able to be, careful, aware and vigilant while I'm transporting you - the passenger - to your destination.
You count on me to get you there in one piece, both safely and uneventfully.

Some of you go that extra step and ask me to provide for your safety in an unconventional seat.
So I need to take extra ordinary measures to ensure your safety.

That's a huge responsibility.
Again - don't scream when I break out the bright yellow & orange tie down straps and start strapping you in!

As Always, "Welcome aboard, Find your seats, Let me duct tape you in  - Let's Roll!"

Dave's Not Home, Man!

Most of you may not know this, or care but despite the  fact that marijuana use, sales, distribution, etc is legal in Colorado, state law cannot supersede Federal law and Federal law still views dope use, possession, sales, distribution, growth, etc - as illegal.

We've seen a boat load of growers and distributors in both California and Colorado busted by Federal agents on many occasions in recent years.

Keep that in mind if you're going to get on a Bus here in Denver.
Buses are governed by Federal regulation and laws.
It was explained to me that getting on the bus with dope - even as little as a big fat joint - can be classified as trafficking.
I've personally seen more than a few kiddos roll fatties and sell them to other passengers on the Mall Shuttles and buses for cash on the spot.
There's yet another Federal crime.

Will every passenger who commits these crimes be prosecuted?
Odds are, not even close.
Is it guaranteed that if you're caught doing these things on the bus, you'll be charged with Federal crimes?
Nope...but why take the chance?
We play the lotto and the chances are far slimmer that we'll win that lottery.
Just to put the "risk" into perspective.

It's a $2.25 ride that at most lasts two hours.
Why risk Federal fines & prison times?

Recently there was a passenger who left his backpack on the bus with around a pound of dope, a huge mayo jar packed with buds, a grip of cash and his cell phone with not only all of his information but with all of his friends names, numbers and his business associates names & numbers.

He was gone for only 20 minutes but us Drivers are trained to spot articles that are left behind and to either turn them into Lost & Found or in this case, call authorities.
The passenger was a bit shocked and freaked when he'd heard that his bag had already been found and turned in.
I can imagine that wait while he tried to decide whether to go home and wait for the authorities to come find him...that would SUCK!

Anywho...keep all that stuff at home or at work but just off the bus.

Less paperwork for your Drivers.
Less stress for you and the other passengers while enduring that ride to your destinations.
Less crime on the bus.
Less chance of you getting caught and busted.

As Always, "Welcome aboard, Ditch the Dope, Find your seats - Let's Roll!"

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Pull My Finger?

So I am tooling down the road, picking up my passengers when two guys board, obviously high on drugs.
So high that many of the other passengers complained and joked that they were all getting contact highs!

One of the drug addicts screams to the other, "Dude, smell my fingers!"
To which there was a collective EWWWW on the bus.
The druggie said,"Dudes, it's Alabama kush..."
Which I can only assume is the name of whatever designer drug he'd been smoking.

But I didn't skip a beat and had to jump through the open door he'd presented and scratched my butt as I said,"Dude, Italian toosh!"
I know it was inappropriate but...

The whole bus exploded with laughter and I felt satisfied that we'd defused some situation.

But I gotta mention that breathing those fumes, breathing in those toxic drug fumes in a closed environment for over an hour was not only seriously offensive to me and the sober passengers but could not have been good for our health!

As Always, "Welcome Aboard, find your seats, extinguish your dope and Let's Roll!"

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Occupy RTD/Transit

From some random bus Driver to you, the passenger:

If you travel through The Civic Centre Station in Denver, reroute your trips/buses tomorrow or simply take the day off.

That's coming from me, somebody who doesn't want my riders, my customers, my passengers harassed by liberal entitleists who want more of your tax dollars to support their lifestyles.
That's not coming from RTD - remember that this is my personal blog, my personal thoughts and ideas and that RTD neither supports nor endorses my blog.

Don't go to the Civic Centre Station.
It's going to be
occupied by teacher's unions, police and fire fighter's unions, every union in the city/state that the ATU (bus driver's union) can get to support them.
All in their orange shirts that will read something about the 99% and occupy...

Recently, the Liberal Senate has tried to increase spending (more of your tax dollars) on transportation and removed the caps that can be spent on wages/salaries.
Of course the Conservative Congress has offered their own version of The Bill that restricts how much unions can make/profit from the tax payer's dollar and budgets even more on transportation, including roads, bridges and buses/trains.

But of course the Senate squashed the Congressional Bill and Congress returned the favour when the Senate Bill reached them.

There's been a 90 day extension but none of this effects YOU.

RTD is funded by tax dollars, whether local, State or Federal.
Close to $1 in $5 of the budget comes from fares, those who ride and actually pay for their rides.

RTD has made cuts that keeps the service running for at least 6 more years, in the black.

Whatever the Congress & Senate do with their budgets really only affect the profits that the unions make.

Yes I am an RTD Driver, and that means I'm a union member.
But if Colorado gave us the freedom of choice to join the union while employed at RTD, the union would have almost ZERO membership - nobody wants them!

Anywho, you're going to see some orange shirted unionists, entitlement minded folks who think you, the tax payer should support them, the "99%."
They are going to be handing out leaflets, fliers and accosting and harassing RTD customers all day.

As a Driver, I notice that when the Occupy Denver nutters march through town, fill up the streets and down the 16th Street Mall, that the majority of folks, pedestrians make the choice to go some place else.
I recommend y'all make that same choice tomorrow, April 4th.

They are coming, the
Occupy RTD/Transit entitleists.
Watch out!

As Always, "Welcome aboard, Screw Occupy, Find your seats - Let's Roll!"

Sunday, March 25, 2012

New Toys Are a'Comin...

I mentioned Phil Washington in my last post and that reminded me...

He met with Drivers over the last couple of months and gave us information about a new system that is coming out as we speak.
We've also recently received more training as the system is going into testing mode here in Denver.
It's been testing in Boulder this last month so many of you may have already seen it - or even here in Denver, you may have already seen it popping up (the testing starts in Denver in April) on your buses.

It's the new "
Smart Card" program.

Here's what I've heard and what I know:

Many of you have noticed that we've (RTD) done away with the Token this year.
The idea of this new system is to eliminate as much "media" and cash from use as possible.

I hear that Denver/RTD has more "media" than any other Transit system in the Nation.
For example, we have a myriad of schools and colleges here along the Front Range.
Each school has it's own ID and "sticker" with new colours for each semester and expiry date.
And it is very rare that more than one school/college/university has the same expiry date as another, so Drivers have to learn each date, each colour and each identification - whether student or faculty.

Then there are the Eco Passes.
While most are the green/blue passes, not all are.
And not all Eco Passes are all services included - some don't include the DIA routes, others don't cover regional or express routes.

We have monthly passes, and some are for AB, BC & CD Zones.
And each monthly is by degree of service, whether local, express or regional and some are "discount" - requiring further proof of eligibility of discount.

And on and on and on it goes, you can see that we have a TON of "media" and Drivers old & new find it tough to keep track of them all.

This new "Smart Card" has an RF chip inside.
Programmed for the specific customer, whether ECO, Student, Monthly, disabled or "gift card" - it's all ONE CARD, programmed specifically for the one customer - with photos included (when required) that will be read by a computer/scanner.

You wave your card across the scanner and your card is "charged" for the ride.
No need for a transfer, your card is remembered by the system along your route of travel for a specific period of time.
As you board your next bus within a set time period and scan the card, the system will remember you and not charge you.
Until you go back in the direction from which you came or you exceed the time / grace period - which to the system, tells it that you are in a new zone or that you're returning to your origination.

And there's no chance for the Driver to misread or mis-punch your transfers, you won't need those anymore.
There are three lights on the scanner - red, yellow and green.
Once you've paid, the light flashes green.
If you owe a full or partial fare, say you have a local monthly pass loaded onto your card and you're going to DIA or you're boarding an Express - the yellow light will light on the scanner, requiring you to pay the balance of the fare.
If it flashed red, run in shame and embarrassment - hide your face from the cameras and other passengers!

LOL - no, I'm just kidding.
There's a number you can call (the Drivers can't help and can only ask that you pay the full fare) to correct any issues.

It may hurt a bit here and there in the interim as we switch over to this new system but once it's fully up and running, the end game/goal is to be at least 90% cashless and pain free.
And I hear that end goal/game should be realized completely by the end of next year.

Ask your Driver about the new system coming shortly.
We all know about it by now and we all have received training on how to operate it during the testing phase so we can give you more details.

As Always, "Welcome aboard, Toss your cash and get a Smart Card, Find your seats - Let's Roll!"

The Tortoise Or The Hare?

Before I write this I want to preface my comments with two thoughts:

1) "...As I've repeatedly pointed out, I'm not in any way speaking for RTD, in fact they've asked me to remind you that they neither sponsor nor endorse my blog."
2) I LOVE, absolutely love serving the customer, which is why I've chosen this career - I get to serve my passengers, they trust their lives in my hands daily.

That said, I applied to work at the bus side of RTD, not in the Access-a-Ride or Call-n-Ride sides of the house.
While I love service and I've been reminded by some of my regulars (passengers) that I am patient to a fault - I personally don't feel that I'm up to the standards or that I'm a good enough "servant" to work for these other departments.

But as we make more and more cutbacks at RTD, we are seeing more and more of a blending of the services. More and more Access-a-Ride customers are needing to use the regular route side of the house and lately I'm seeing more regulars at the end of their patience, more schedules and connections tossed to the wind and more regular passengers storm off the bus in vulgar and vocal rages.

I'm very sorry to both sides of this coin.

But to exasperate the situations, I'm seeing more and more of the "entitlement minded" special needs passenger join the ranks.
I'm guessing this is because they've grown so used to being given more personalized services over the years, paid for by the rest of us - that as they make their way over to this side of the system, that they expect (and I'm to provide it - legally as well as morally) and demand intimate attention from the Driver as well as preferential treatment from both the Driver and the other passengers/paying customers.

The last couple of weeks I've been on some very busy runs/routes.
Almost every day I've run into the very demanding special needs passenger that have compounded the situations as more board and disembark on each trip.
Just one passenger requiring special attention can delay the bus by at least 5 minutes.
Just this afternoon I hit a 27 minute delay as I boarded three special requirement passengers AND two parents with stroller - the two seater types.

We were so far behind that my follower (the next bus on the schedule) was behind me picking up all the customers I could no longer fit on the bus.

Keep in mind that I'm paid by the minute.
I'm on the clock until I finish the route, whether that takes the scheduled amount of time or up to 10 hours of driving time a day.
The printed schedule is a courtesy to YOU, the passenger.
If I'm unable to keep that schedule while I'm your Driver, you can bet that there is either killer traffic jams, or the bus is so full/packed that there are arms and legs hanging out windows and folks are standing in their seats.

Or there are customers who require more time and schedules are not part of their concern.

My point of posting this is not to single out any group of passengers about scheduling or how much I'm paid to take care of all of the passengers.
As I've pointed out, I'm paid to complete the route, no matter whether I spend all my DOT time (10 hours) with one customer or 1000 customers in only 8 hours.
And the schedule is only third on my list of priorities: the first being safety, then customer service, then the schedule.
I will stop the bus, break out my trailblazer and look at all the routes I have to make sure you catch the right bus and get to your destination before I drop you off at the wrong street or take you to Golden when you needed to go to Aurora!
I will stop the bus and use every restraint on the bus to make certain you are strapped in like a mummy and feel safe and secure before I move the bus again.
That's customer service.

No, my point in posting this was that the Access-a-Ride side of the house is a social program that is set aside solely to support the special needs of the passenger who has those needs.
The other side of the RTD house is where I work, where folks spend 10 seconds boarding the bus and finding their seats before I hit the gas pedal and speed off to the next stop, keeping the schedule to the second in order to make every body's connections and get y'all to your destinations on time.

We shouldn't be blending the two services & passenger load but as we cut back services, we need to serve a wider variety of customer than we've been used to.

I'm sorry to the passengers who've boarded my bus, requiring extra attention getting ready for transport - sorry for the rude and vulgar comments, for the eye rolls, for the loud heavy sighs and for the screams of frustration  from the other passengers.
And to you other passengers, I'm sorry for the extreme delays and for the frustration - but for those of you who have been both helpful and patient, I thank you.
I try to bust my rump and go as quickly as I'm able.
I try to accommodate everybody with equal thoroughness, compassion, consideration and care.

To all of my passenger, whether abled-bodied, I thank you for your patronage and your patience - I'm sorry for the rest.
I'll do my best and I appreciate your help to those ends.

To you folks who've been frustrated to the point of your heads spinning off and exploding I suggest you call your Regents, your Representatives and even RTD directly.
Just don't call the 303-299-6000 line.
Contact officials directly - for example, contact Phil Washington.
I've personally met him and he honestly cares what you think (not that others don't but I can vouch for Mr. Washington's sincerity)

To everybody, please try to enjoy The Ride.
Remember, I'm your Driver and I'm the guy who has to juggle both those who are frustrated and those at whom they are frustrated.
If you don't see me snapping at everybody, if you don't see my cussing and swearing - then please follow my lead.
Consider it an adventure, a challenge - an opportunity.

As Always, "Welcome aboard, Take a deep breath & relax, Find your seats - Let's Roll!"